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  • Now that Thanksgiving is over use the leftover cranberry and rub in on the warts. Repeat every so often. You will see improvement after two weeks. It may even go away. - John H, November 29, 2004

  • I'm not sure exactly why this worked, it's not medical at all. But someone once suggested to me that a wart would fall off if I stole a dish towel from someone and then threw/left it in the woods. I tried this and after a week or two the wart went away. - N. San Miguel, October 11, 2004

  • I just arrived home from taking my 17 year old son to the doctor about several warts that he has on the palm of his hand, and to my amazement the doctor actually wrote a "prescription" that included the use of DUCT-TAPE. We have applied the treatment now all that's left is the waiting!? Keep you Posted! - T.P., Mckinney, Texas, July 19, 2004

  • I was told that Lanacane is for athletes foot but also would take off warts. So I tried it on one on my leg for a few days and it crumbled up and I rubbed it off. I have another one on my arm and am trying New-Skin.... - J and C Torres, July 13, 2004

  • I know the perfect cure for removing warts. It takes only a couple of minutes and two weeks later with no more thought on the matter they are gone! I gained this knowledge from an old aunt of mine who, upon seeing a woman with an wart on her nose offered to help her rid herself of this unsightly intrusion.

    As children, we grew up with this story in the 50's so when my husband had a wart on his finger for a couple of years I decided to take my old aunt's remedy seriously and applied, wait for it, a snail to the area! My husband and I watched, fascinated and possible repulsed (depending upon how you feel about snails) as the snail made its way across the wart. Courageously we turned it around to cover its tracks then decided enough was enough. A couple of weeks later, miraculously the wart had disappeared.

    Now 30 years on, our son started to have warts, first on his finger then on his chin. For months he tolerated them and at intervals visited doctors to have them removed which, need I add, did not work! I did mention my old aunt's cure to him from time to time until at last he decided what had he got to lose? His reputation as a serious businessman? His faith in conventional medicine? No probs there. Be a laughing stock in front of his colleagues should the snail story leak out? No, of course not! Just the idea of subjecting oneself to having a slimy creature crawl all over you! I think it's hilarious and amazing, but who cares if it works? I hope this helps any readers with wart problems. Please, before you think of going to the docs to have your wart burned out or frozen or whatever, try this, it's so simple. Peace be with you. - Dotti, June 23, 2004

  • Cut into a potatoe skin and place a small peice over the effected area. Then wrap both the area and the potatoe skin in duct tape, keep it on for several days (5 - a week). Continue until warts have disappeared. - Ward, Alaska, June 22, 2004

  • Use clear finger nail polish to cover warts. It stops them from breathing and they die within 2 weeks. This is why duct tape and other covers work. Finger nail polish is less noticeable and stays on longer. Please note that it doesn't kill the virus itself. - BLS, May 28, 2004

  • I didn't see this remedy on your website, but it truly works...

    My husband and I each have a few warts here and there. The ONLY thing that has worked to take warts away has been to use a piece of silver duct tape. You just need a piece big enough to stick over the wart. Keep it there all the time - changing the tape daily.

    I guess there is something in the duct tape that our systems don't like and so our immune system reacts to the sight of the duct tape, thus reacting to the virus of the wart as well.

    When my doctor saw my warts on my foot (I was being treated for an ingrown toenail) she even suggested using duct tape. I have also read about the cure in a home-remedy book.

    It does take weeks to work and takes longer to work on plantar warts, but it works and it is simple and CHEAP! - S Jensen, May 28, 2004

  • Duct tape!!! - May, 2004

  • I was reading the article on "Warts," when I came across a mention of coal oil. I have been trying to find some, for many years now, to no avail. It is the best thing for cuts that I've ever used. ASAP, put the cut in the coal oil, it coagulates the blood, almost, immediately, doesn't sting, and rarely will even get sore. Is there is a possibility of obtaining any coal oil, anywhere? ... - Judy, February 11, 2001

    Dear Judy
    Coal oil is the old name for kerosene or lamp oil. Hope this helps - Barry, August 5, 2004

  • In the NorthEast of England, our mothers and grandmothers used to say these two methods worked well; (1) you pluck a hair from a horse's tail, tie it round the wart and sleep on it overnight. The wart (or even elongated moles), just seems to fall off within a week. (2) you rub your mother's (gold) wedding ring (wedding band) over the wart several times and it is supposed to fall off soon afterwards. Note - this is only supposed to work if your mother had/ has a happy marriage. On a personal note, I think I remember as a kid, a wart falling off after the horse's tail hair remedy. I remember vividly, my Mom, Dad, brother and I chasing around a field fopr hours, trying to snatch the hair out of its tail. It eventually succumbed to the offer of an apple! Hope this is helpful for your website. Cheerio from England. - Rev'd Tony Craggs, January 26, 2004

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