Many of the original buildings still exist, since the Fort was only
deactivated in 1945. These buildings can be seen on what is now the
campus of University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost Jr.
The Campus includes a nice view of a resaca - which is the local name
for ox-bow lakes caused by the meandering Rio Grande. |
A View of Fort
Brown looking towards the Island
Click on image to enlarge
courtesy Dan
Whatley Collection |
1936 Centennial
Marker (gray granite) - Southmost College Auditorium, corner of Elizabeth
and International, Brownsville.
Fort Brown
Oldest permanent
fort in Texas; Called Fort Taylor in March, 1846; Later renamed
in honor of Major Jacob Brown killed here in May, 1846; Permanent
post established, 1849; Evacuated by Federal troops in 1861, by Confederates,
1863; Reoccupied by United States troops from 1865 to 1906; Again
reoccupied by United States troops in 1913. |
Historical Marker:
Fort Brown - Southmost College Golf Course, east end of Elizabeth,
Fort Brown,
Fort Taylor, renamed
Fort Brown, May 17, 1846, in honor of Major Jacob Brown, 7th Infantry,
who died here May 9, 1846, in its defense; Garrisoned by the 7th Infantry
with Companies "I" 2nd Art. and "E" 3rd Artillery. Original dimensions:
Earthwork of 800 yards perimeter, 6 bastion walls 9 1/2 ft. high,
parapet 15 ft. wide, ditch 8 1/2 feet deep, 15 to 20 feet wide. Lieut.
Thomas Barlow Chapter, D.A.R. 1938
(Marble slab mounted on concrete foundation. Erected by Fort Brown,
U.S. Government.) (Said to have been in use somewhat, supplemented
by barracks where Zachary Taylor Library is.) |
A View in Fort
Brown looking towards the Artillery Barracks
Click on image to enlarge
courtesy Dan
Whatley Collection |
Historical Marker:
Fort Brown - Campus of TX Southmost College, Brownsville.
Fort Brown
Cavalry Barracks
This building,
associated with the rebuilding of Fort Brown after the Civil War,
housed cavalry units until World
War I, when it served as a quartermaster warehouse and commissary.
Closed after World
War II, the building was leased by private industry until purchased
by Texas Southmost College. The one-story brick structure features
an elongated T-plan, with a central entry through an arched opening,
and reconstructed shed-roof porches.
1987 |
Historical Marker:
Fort Brown - Grounds of TX Southwest College, Gorgias Street, Brownsville.
Fort Brown
Constructed in
1905 to serve as a food storage facility, this building was abandoned
one year later when Fort Brown was closed. Upon reactivation of the
post during Mexican border disturbances, the building served as a
guardhouse and jail. Among those quartered here were political refugees
following the Battle of Matamoros on June 4, 1913. The structure features
a loading dock and a shed roof with gabled dormer over the entrance.
1992 |
Historical Marker:
Fort Brown, Gorgas Road, Brownsville.
Fort Brown,
Buildings 85 and 86
Morgue and linen
storage. 1867 Fort Brown Buildings 85 and 86. Brick fringe, cornice.
Autopsies in yellow fever study were made here by Dr. Wm. C. Gorgas,
Capt. Hennessey, Lt. Crowder, Dr. Melon, defying orders of superior
officer. Dr. Gorgas became immune.
1965 |
Historical Marker:
98 Taylor Road, Brownsville.
Fort Brown
Named by Gen.
Zachary Taylor during Mexican War, for Maj. Jacob Brown, who died
in 1846 defending the post. Permanent 385-acre reservation laid out
1848 by Col. Wm. Davenport, around original earthworks. Young officers
in the Taylor occupancy included D.C. Buell, U.S. Grant, Geo. G. Meade,
Geo. H. Thomas, later Civil War general in the U.S. Army; and Braxton
Bragg, T.H. Holmes, James Longstreet, J.C. Pemberton and E. Kirby
Smith, future confederate generals. In the late 1850's Robert E. Lee
served here. In March 1861, Texas confederates under Col. John S.
Ford occupied the post; later C.S.A. Commanders were Cols. P.N. Luckett
and Aug. Buchel, Gens. H.P. Bee and J.B. Magruder. In November 1863
the post was burned. Federals under Gen. N.P. Banks had a camp of
tents at Fort Brown until July 1864. After that, Gen. J.S. Slaughter
and Col. Ford reoccupied the post with confederates until the war
ended. Soon after the confederate surrender at Appomatox, U.S. Gen.
Phillip Sheridan brought in troops for a show of force against the
French in Mexico City. In 1867-69, new permanent Fort was built by
Capt. Wm. A. Wainwright. City and college acquired reservation in
1948. Northern boundary International Boulevard.
1964 |