of Big Tex"
County, Central
Texas N
32°7'50"N 96°13'45"W (32.130639, -96.229207)
At the junction of Hwy 31 and 309, and FM 667 and 3096
14 Miles E of Corsicana
67 miles SE of Dallas
via I-45
Population: 1,535 Est. (2018)
1,573 (2010) 1,681 (2000) 1,702 (1990)
Kerens, Texas Area Hotels Corsicana
Hotels |
Kerens Downtown
TE photo |
Few towns are
looking forward to the 2000 Census report as much as Kerens. According
to the Texas Handbook, their population peaked in 1929 at 1800 souls.
The 1990 Census showed 1702.
We received
a request to check out www.kerens.com. We did and we liked what
we saw.
serves as an example for other small towns because of its positive
and cooperative attitude that comes across on every page. This unofficial
and entertaining site achieves what most chamber of commerce sites
are reaching for. Somehow we have the feeling a committee is not
The "Café" portion
includes feedback from ex-Kerensites as well as current residents
on such weighty matters as "smiley face" welcoming signs and what
ever happened to….
We applaud
the editor of the café for including (at least one) letter written
by "Anonymous". TE's (current) motto is "For people who like this
sort of thing; this is the sort of thing they like" and Kerens'
Traffic Report is the sort of thing we like here at TE.
It has some
of the best aspects of a newspaper, and the feedback allows for
a nearly continuous high school reunion. The webmaster says, "This
town raised me." They did a good job and they're being repaid.
traffic arrow
Photo |
Tex was born in Kerens
Photo Courtesy Webmaster, www.kerens.com |
as Santa
Photo Courtesy Webmaster, www.kerens.com |
Boy makes good in Dallas
Kerens contribution to Texas culture is in the (rather large) form
of "Big Tex", Official State Fair Greeter. Tex started
life as a Santa Claus in 1951, and was then bought and brought to
Park. He's been home once (in 1981), which prompted an old timer
to exclaim: "Why Tex, you must've grown 20 feet since I last saw you."
Tex spends most of his time looking at the Dallas
skyline, although he's been warned about staring in windows. Our challenge
to the math classes in Kerens is to figure out how many paces it would
take Tex to walk home from Dallas,
based on his oversized stride and if he were to walk as the crow flies.
Visit the site www.kerens.com, sign their guest book and better yet,
visit the town. |
2000 update from kerens.com : "D" Magazine
in Dallas, the July issue, did an article on the best 11 small towns
in the surrounding area to live. Kerens was the first one listed.
2, 2001 :
We heard from Kerens Webmaster Thomas Darby and his message reminds
us that we've been so busy we let a whole summer go by without checking
in. We can proudly report that we told many people of Kerens and
how they've used the web to strengthen community ties. Well, actually,
they seem to have been strong to begin with, but it's helped. Of
course telling people about another town and the good work they're
doing - isn't always well received. For towns that don't mind looking
at success stories and benefiting from them - they can go directly
to the Kerens site of www.kerens.com. Our personal report from Thomas
" ……….we completed a project on the Main Street of Kerens.
About three years ago we lost part of downtown due to a fire that
was covered by channel five in Dallas. During the Spring of 2000,
we decided to build an Alumni Center in the spot where the building
burned down, right in the middle of downtown. We started in March,
and had our grand opening at Homecoming on the September 21st weekend.
With donations from people in town, and many ex-students, we completely
paid for the facility. The cost was estimated to be around $150,000.
A retired construction contractor, Cliff (Buddy) Hughes, led the
work and finished it right on schedule with nothing but volunteer
workers in town. He is a bona fide hero. We worked all summer long,
Saturday and Sundays dawn till dusk in one of the hottest summers
I ever have experienced. We had a large round temperature gauge
mounted on the inside on a column while we were finishing up the
interior before we had air conditioning and it constantly hovered
between 100 and 110 for months. It was hot! I think I fell to me
knees in thanks the day we turned on the central air conditioning
system for the first time.
We mounted two large outdoor speakers on a utility pole beside the
building and during the days preceding Christmas, I floated Christmas
music down Main Street to go with all the decorations we put on
the building. A lady named Judy Holloway provided many of the decorations
and won a prize for the work from the town. Great fun with that
As a finishing touch, we put up the six flags of Texas on seven
poles in front of the building and it is quite a sight now to drive
down Main Street and see those flags flying in the wind where only
wrecked buildings were before. You can see a picture of it on the
Homepage at kerens.com.
I also webcast the Homecoming Parade from the Alumni Center live
that day and we also had the largest crowd that anyone remembers
having at homecoming. Great fun it was. Now we are on to other restoration
projects. :-)
- T. Darby, webmaster@kerens.com
Kerens Texas
Thursday, February
08, 2001
Subject: Fw: A Big Pat on the Back
Just got this message about your web site and it's content, people
are looking at Texas Escapes. I did not know you had updated with
new pictures and they were great. Where in the world did you get
that picture of the "button"
on Main Street? That was a good one. :-) Regards, Thomas Darby
Original Message
To: Kerens Webmaster
Thursday, February 08, 2001
Subject: A Big Pat on the Back
You are probably aware of this, but I found a really wonderful and
complimentary write-up about your site just now. Even if you have
read it, go and read it again!
- Maggie D
County 1920s map showing Kerens
From Texas state map #10749
Texas General Land Office |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |