Bluff Creek
Baptist Church in Drasco
Photo courtesy Barclay
Gibson, February 2007 |
History in
a Pecan Shell
Ghost Towns of Runnels County" by Alton O'Neil Jr.)
Drasco, in north central Runnels
County, was once called County Line because of its proximity
to the Taylor county
line. The community had to change its name when it got a post office
because there was another place by that name in Texas (see Taylor,
Texas). After other names were turned down also, a name composed
of letters taken from the various names submitted by residents was
formed. This name was Drasco. The post office was granted in
1909, but was discontinued in 1911. A school was started in February
of 1903 - a Union Sunday School, composed of Methodists and Baptists.
The Methodists organized in 1904 and built their first church in 1912.
The Baptist organized November of 1907. They built their first building
in 1908. As of today both these churches have been disbanded.
The population of Drasco reportedly never exceeded thirty. By 1940
it had a population of fifteen and one store. The 1982 county highway
map showed two churches and several businesses at Drasco, which was
still listed as a community in 1990. |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |