History in
a Pecan Shell
called Cross Out, Texas, the town's name changed when the post
office opened in 1879. According to legend, the name Cross Out came
from the fact that the town was "Across the country and out
of the way". It still is.
John Bloodworth, storeowner and first postmaster, is credited with
being the town's founder.
The school building stood until 1999 when its deteriorating condition
necessitated its demolition. |
"I met the
couple who restored the church. As is typical in any project, they
had their ups and downs including tornado damage. The finished job
is really something to be proud of." - Barclay
More Texas Churches |
Marker Text
Cross Cut Cemetery
Settlement began
in this area of Brown
County after the Civil War when several families from southern
states moved here. They formed a community, initially known as Cross
Out. It became Cross Cut in 1897 when an error was made on a post
office application.
Caroline Pentecost Elsberry was the first person buried in this community
cemetery in July 1879. The two-acre plot of land dedicated as a graveyard
is believed to have been donated by Mark and Sarah Pentecost.
Oil was discovered in 1923 in the Cross Cut sand formation. The small
town quickly swelled to accommodate the increase in population and
several new businesses were added. By 1940 the population of the town
was exceeded by the number of burials in the cemetery. In 1954 the
Cross Cut School consolidated with Cross
Plains Schools, and the town declined thereafter. Only a few buildings
and the cemetery remain.
Among those buried here are early settlers and their descendants,
and veterans of conflicts from the Civil War through the Vietnam War.
A cemetery association was formed in 1976, and a perpetual care trust
was established. The site continues to serve the area.
(1997) |
Cross Cut,
Texas Forum
Cross Cut School
We received a polite correction from former Cross Cutter - Mr. Norris
Chambers, who writes: [The Cross Cut School] "....did not consolidate
and close in 1930. I graduated from Cross Cut High School in 1935.
It still had a grade school after the war and shortly thereafter
merged with Cross Plains. The Cross Cut area is in the Cross
Plains school district. I have considerable history about Cross
Cut for those interested. Some old Cross Cut stories are on my site:
www.norrisc.com "
Chambers' stories are of interest to anyone who is curious about
growing up in under-populated Texas in a bygone era. They are a
valuable contribution to small town Texas history." - editor
Cross Cut Native Sons
John Limmer wrote a history of Cross Cut and he quotes Louise Newton,
wife of Ross Newton, saying this about Robert: "Ross played with
Howard, Conan author. He told her Robert was weird even then
and he was a little afraid of him as he was making up queer stories
- way back then. Dr. Howard, Robert's father, wasn't happy about
the stories his son wrote. Dr. Howard delivered most of the babies
in town." Ross Newton was the youngest son of pioneer Jim Newton.
You have a very interesting site.... I happened across it when looking
for articles on Cross Cut. Found some pretty interesting things
about the old town. Its closest call to fame, other than Robert,
was Glen Strange and Curtis McPeeters, who left Cross
Cut in the late twenties and worked in the movies. They came back
in about 1928 and did a program at the school. They had a band in
Arizona and later got in the movies. Glen was Sam the bartender
in Gunsmoke in later years. He also did a Frankenstein. McPeeters
was Cactus Mack and did 167 bit parts in old westerns. They were
cousins and were part of the Byrd family.
When Lake Brownwood was built and it closed the road to Brownwood,
a new road was built farther west. It was not paved until after
the war. The road by-passed Cross Cut and left it further isolated.
The main road originally was the main street of the little town.
..... - Norris Chambers
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |