History on
a Pinhead
The town acquired
a post office in 1909. The first postmaster, Luther Lawrence modestly
submitted his first name to postal authorities.
Nothing of historical note seems to have occurred in Luther, so all
that's left are population figures. Luther had a mere five people
served by a single business in the mid 1930s. By 1947 the community
had three businesses serving ninety residents. The population was
335 in the mid 1960s and that number has been used through the 2000
census. The post office closed in 1972. |
Luther, Texas
Subject: Luther,
I have really enjoyed your website and have learned a lot of history
of Texas. I'm a Geocacher and use your website among others to help
learn about the ghost towns and old cemeteries that caching brings
us to. In writing my blog about the cemetery in Luther, TX, I wanted
to email you a photo we took when we were there in September 2016.
The church next door looked as though it had caught fire and was in
rubble. I have attached the photo that you may include on your website.
Thanks again for all you do. - Mark Gregorich, October 19, 2016 |
Ruins in Luther
Photo courtesy Mark Gregorich, September 2016 |
(above) cover is a return payment envelope and suggests a Gulf service
station in the community. By the way, the post office closed back
in 1972." - John
J. Germann |
Howard County map
showing Luther
From Texas state map #4335
Courtesy Texas General Land Office |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |