The post office
in San Isidro
TE photo, 7-01 |
San Isidro is at
the intersection of Farm roads 1017 and 2294 in northeastern Starr
County. Santiago Peña, the first settler (See founder)
in the area in 1877, named the town for San Isidro (St. Isidore of
Seville), the patron saint of farmers. (Correction - see namesake)
A statue of the saint was ordered from Spain. The old Catholic church
was built about 1900, a half-mile back from the present road. A post
office operated at San Isidro from 1904 to 1913, but the community
had only a population of ten and one business in 1933 and 1940. A
new church and parish hall were built in 1963, under the direction
of longtime pastor Fortunato Herrero, O.M.I. The twelve-grade school,
with housing for teachers, consolidated the rural schools of northern
Starr County as one of the three county systems and led to the establishment
of the present post office in 1948. In 1990 a State Highway Department
office, a volunteer fire department, a dozen businesses, a small Baptist
church, the consolidated school system, the post office, dry-land
farming and neighboring gas and oilfields made San Isidro the leading
community in the north part of the county. The population was 300.
In 2000 the population was 270.
Dick D.
Heller, Jr., “San Isidro, TX,” Handbook of Texas Online, accessed
February 03, 2023, https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/san-isidro-tx.
Published by the Texas State Historical Association. |
A windmill in
San Isidro
TE photo, 7-01 |
San Isidro,
Texas Forum
San Isidro, Texas Namesake
San Isidro in Starr County, TX was not named after St. Isadore of
Seville. It was named after St. Isadore the Laborer, also called
St. Isadore the Farmer (In Spanish: San Isidro Labrador). St.
Isadore the Laborer was born in 1070. His parents named him after
their patron St. Isadore of Seville who was a scholar from the 3rd
century. They are often confused with one another because of the
name "St. Isadore." The real name of St. Isadore the Laborer or
Farmer was Isidro de Merlo y Quintana. He is the partron saint of
Madrid Spain and of farmers and is celebrated on May 15th. Thank
you. - Sincerly, Rosa Linda Looez-Berlanga, February 2, 2023
San Isidro, Texas founder
The post office in the picture was not built till the 1980's. The
other post office was across the street. My grandmother was the
postmaster general for 40 years. The founder is not Santiago Peña
but in fact Blas Pena Gonzales - died 1905 and buried in his ranch
family plot in San Isidro Tx. Hope this was helpfull. - Arturo Silva,
August 23, 2011
County 1907 postal map showing Sanisidro
From Texas state map #2090
Texas General Land Office |
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