"For lack of a better designation, [I've] labeled this bridge
as Imperial because of its proximity to said village, being 5.7mi
almost due east. It is on the boundary between Pecos
and Crane Counties.
(See respective county seats Fort
Stockton and Crane)
These pictures of the Imperial Bridge are probably more than you really
wanted to know about it.
In photos 5
& 7 you can see where extra pipes have been added to the middle
of the span indicating that it can hardly support its own weight.
The floor beams are so wobbledy that a hand hold is required and even
that is wobbledy, ready to give way if required to fulfill its designed
Well worth a visit for those who might be in the area but not a good
tourist attraction for those looking for something to play on."
- Barclay
Gibson, December 11, 2007 |
"In photos 5 & 7 you can see where extra pipes have been added
to the middle of the span indicating that it can hardly support its
own weight. The floor beams are so wobbledy that a hand hold is required
and even that is wobbledy, ready to give way if required to fulfill
its designed function." - Barclay
Gibson, December 11, 2007 |