the Queen, "cokes" didn't mean Coca Cola, that was what we called
any soft drink. My "coke" was Dr. Pepper because the peanuts tasted
better in it. And also Dr. Pepper made you burp so big that it came
out your nose. Plenty important stuff for pre-pubescent boys.
I remember "Easter Parade", Flash Gordon serials, and a movie about
a kid with green hair. As I got older the Queen had to compete with
the drive-in in Sweetwater
or the Paramount in Abilene
(it had stars and clouds on the ceiling after all.) But as our hometown
movie, the Queen was the community center for boys and girls from
6 -16 every Saturday afternoon. I'm talkin' the 50's when you didn't
just blow 25 cents every day of the week - and Milk Duds were a dime
for goodness sakes. Nobody was made of money! I met my friends there
and put up with stinky carpet and popcorn that was left over from
1942. Our folks dropped us off and left us until we called them from
the phone in the lobby, and nobody got kidnapped or molested. What
a great time to be alive in Texas. Nobody talked during the movie
and there were at least 3 cartoon "shorts" after every feature.
It was a gathering place, a growing up place and a great place to
make memories. I miss those times at the Queen and writing this story
reminds me of more "slivers of sentimentality" that I'll share at
another time. For now, I'll savor those Queen moments and I'll think
I'll have a Dr. Pepper and some peanuts.
- Roger
T. Moore
July 27, 2006 |
"The old
Queen Theater in Merkel.
There is some talk about restoring it."
courtesy Billy Smith, June 2006 |