Friberg- Cooper
welcome sign
Photo courtesy Barclay
Gibson, April 2015 |
Methodist Church
FM 171 & Friberg Rd
Photo courtesy Barclay
Gibson, April 2015 |
Historical Marker:
Methodist Church
This congregation
first gathered to worship in local farmer A. W. Friberg's granary
in 1896, using hay bales as seats. Largely due to the generosity of
the Carey, Andree, and Friberg families, the congregation was able
to build its first sanctuary, the Friberg Methodist Episcopal Church,
here in 1902, naming it after charter members John and Mary Friberg.
After the structure burned in 1938, the present sanctuary was built
around the original cornerstone. A merger with Cooper Methodist congregation
in 1947 strengthened the church, which remains a focal point of this
rural community.
(1991) |
Historical Marker:
Site of Friberg
Friberg School
was created in 1895 to serve families in this area. By 1896 students
attended classes in a granary owned by Will Friberg; the following
year John Friberg donated land here and a 2-room schoolhouse was erected.
The school also served as a community gathering place, and by 1922
increased enrollment led to the addition of a third room. Upper level
students began attending Wichita Falls High School in 1931, and in
1956 Clay County's
School consolidated with Friberg. After a 1969 fire left only the
cafeteria intact, Friberg School closed.
1993 |
across from Friberg-Cooper Methodist Church
Photo courtesy Barclay
Gibson, April 2015 |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
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