the family and friends of George W. Moore stood at his grave side
that day in 1886, they doubtless pondered the fundamental question
that always comes to mind when a young person dies: Why did it have
to happen?
Moore was only 28 when death came. But he had packed a lot of living
in that short life, serving as a private in Company D of the Frontier
Battalion under one of the most illustrious of the Texas Ranger captains,
Dan W. Roberts.
Not much is known about Moore-when he enlisted on March 1, 1877 records
show he was 5 feet, 8 inches tall and had black hair--but under Roberts,
his Ranger service would not have been boring. Death brought him one
lasting distinction: He became the first of 37 one-time Texas Rangers
to be buried in Kerr County's
Center Point Cemetery. |
Texas Rangers'
Graves in Center Point Cemetery
TE Photo, 2001
Actually, there
are probably 40 Ranger graves in the small cemetery, but Bobbie J.
Powell-whose great-grandfather Robert J. Lange is one of the former
Texas lawmen buried there--could only document thirty-two of the burials
as the graves of former Rangers when she started doing research back
in the 1980s.
"I think there are at least three more who were Rangers, I just haven't
been able to prove it," she said. (Also, one Ranger is known to be
buried in the cemetery, but he does not have a marker and he exact
location is unknown.)
Even if the grave count remains at 37, that number is unequaled anywhere
else in Texas. No other cemetery in the state, not even the sprawling
Cemetery in Austin,
is the final resting place of more former Rangers.
"There's no reason for it that we know of other than the men buried
there were all from this area," she said. "When I started my research,
I knew the families of most of the Rangers."
Kinfolks of Ranger Moore certainly did their part to give the cemetery
its unusual distinction. He would be the first of nine Moores with
Ranger service buried in the cemetery. |
Texas Ranger
Frank M. Moore Toombstone
TE Photo, 2001
Texas Ranger
Moore Toombstone
TE Photo, 2001
Texas Ranger
Moore Toombstone
TE Photo, 2001
first settlers around what is now Center
Point were Elizabeth Denton, her children and slaves. They took
up homesteading in 1852, joined six years later by the family of Dr.
Charles Ganahl. A native of Austria, he named the community Zanzenburg
after his hometown. By 1872, enough people lived in and around Zanzenburg
to justify calling it a town, though someone decided its bottom-of-the-alphabet
name was not particularly fitting. What they came up with was a lot
easier to pronounce, if much less exotic: Center
Soon, in consideration of $10, one acre was deeded to the Methodist
Church for use as a cemetery and church site. In 1875, 80-year-old
Lydia Burney was the first person buried there. Six years later, two
more acres were added to the cemetery. The church was eventually moved
off the property and additional land acquisitions in 1901 and 2001
brought the cemetery to its present 7-acre size.
By the summer of 1987, when the Kerr County Historical Commission
and the Center Point Sesquicentennial Committee dedicated a historical
marker at the site, 1,452 graves had been located in the cemetery.
Numerous pioneers and community leaders are buried there, including
the 36 Rangers.
The second former Ranger buried in the cemetery also was a Moore,
M. F. Moore. Born in Weakley, Tennessee, he enlisted in the Rangers
for the first time on June 25, 1875 and served until May 31, 1877.
Since he and George Moore were only four years different in age, they
probably were brothers. Why both of them died the same year is not
known. The number of Ranger graves increased to three with the burial
of James Hampton Lane in 1887. The fourth burial came in 1893, followed
five years later, in 1898, with the final burial of the 19th century.
During the first decade of the 20th century, 6 new graves were added,
bringing the number of ex-rangers to 11. In the teens, another 5 burials
occurred. With 2 deaths in 1920, the tombstone count for ex-Rangers
in the cemetery had grown to 18. From 1921 to 1929, another 8 Rangers
were interred there-the largest number of burials in any decade. The
count had risen to 26. Only 3 burials occurred in the 1930s, followed
by 3 more in the 1940s. Since 2003, 4 former Rangers of the modern
era have been laid to rest in the Hill
Country cemetery. |
Texas Ranger
Sellers Toombstone
TE Photo, 2001
Kerr County historians
began planning for the historical marker dedication, then Senior
Ranger Captain H.R. (Lefty) Block was asked to speak at the ceremonies.
August 22, 1987 was a typical summer day, but those who attended
the event saw something not many had seen before-almost an entire
company of modern Texas Rangers on horseback. Nearly a hundred Rangers
or retired Rangers attended the dedication. At the beginning of
the ceremony, the present-day Rangers rode through the cemetery
in an equestrian salute to their predecessors.
"The 32 one-time Texas Rangers who lie here don't have much in common,"
Block said in his speech. "They didn't look alike, they went on
to do different things after they left the Rangers, and they had
different joys and different sorrows in life. But they were Texas
Rangers and that did give them something in common, then and now."
© Mike
"Texas Tales" January
24, 2018 column
An award-winning author of more than 30 non-fiction
books, Mike
Cox is an elected member of the
Texas Institute of Letters. A long-time freelance writer and public
speaker, he lives near Wimberley in the Hill Country. To read about
more his work, visit his website at mikecoxauthor.com. He can be
contacted at texasmikecox@gmail.com.
Center Point
John Troesser Photo, February 2009