the years and across the nation, sign pilferage has been the bane
of state and local highway departments. Determined vandals are like
squirrels with bird feeders. No matter what precautions are taken,
they will always find a way to commit their mischief.
In the case of Texas Mile Marker 666
on Interstate 10 – the theft may not have been committed just to have
a souvenir to hang on a fraternity wall. Perhaps the missing signs
were sprinkled with holy water and melted down by blowtorches. But
whatever the reason for the disappearance, the marker has been removed
far too many times for the Texas Department of Transportation.
The TXDOT solution was to leave the pole in place and attach a reflective
striped generic “blank.” It remains, of course, halfway between mile
marker 665 and 667,
so calls for roadside assistance can still be made and the disabled
car found. |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and vintage/historic photos, please contact
us. |