Ken & Yvonne Rudine
Ken Rudine - Mr.
Third Coast, Contributing Editor - Bio
Ken Rudine
on Traveling Team Rudine
I am a native
Houstonian. Born in 1931 my father was from Wharton County and my
mother was from Angelina County.
My dad introduced me to the photographic process before I was a teenager.
In 1950 the Korean War and my enlistment in the USAF sent me to Europe,
North Africa and San Antonio, where I first appreciated the Hill Country
in particular Bandera.
In 1958 I started a darkroom business known as 5P Processing Laboratories.
As Houston was still in its first decade of building air conditioned
houses and my brother asked me to manage his air conditioning business.
He subsequently entered the apartment development and I moved on to
be a Manufacturing Manager managing Triangle Engineering a manufacturing
company making Turbovents (roof mounted, wind driven, rotary ventilators
that cooled attics). I have four U. S. Patents relevant to ventilation.
During these times I had photo-journalism articles published in Popular
Mechanics, Camping as well as photos used in advertising, but mostly
my photography was for me.
Yvonne Clouse was born in Elgin, IL. Although basically from southern
MN some of her high school years she attended high school in McAllen
TX, later graduating in Owatonna, MN. Afterward she attended Hamline
University in St. Paul, MN. She, her husband and first daughter moved
to Houston in 1965 joining her parents who lived nearby in Bellaire.
Yvonne and I were married in 1979.
At the request of my cousin, in 1998 I became computer literate. Yvonne
and I have long believed in what goes around, comes around. Through
a freak chain of events in 2003 I received a digital camera. Soon
afterward, I was asked if I knew of Shanghi Pierce. I searched the
web and simultaneously found Shanghi in Texas Escapes. Recognizing
this as what I think is God's work I immediately began contributing
photos and information.
Over the years we have refined our methods to acquire our magazine
contributions into team work. Yvonne drives while I concentrate on
navigation and photography. We soon discovered that as we worked we
were not as invisible as we thought. We realized that someone is always
watching so we began to initiate conversations. The response is amazing
- try it.
Our name can be pronounced a few ways, so in this case I have tried
to help people overcome that obstacle by combining the "rhyming word
team" with Rudine. Hence we use the name The Rudine Team and/or
Traveling Team Rudine.
© Ken Rudine
July 28, 2009