History in
a Pecan Shell
Kansas ranching
brothers James Edward and Frank B. Wilson arrived here (with other
families) around 1907. A third brother John, and his wife assisted
the others with planning a new community.
A store was opened by the Wilson family and not far from their ranch
headquarters, a combination school and church were constructed. They
also laid out a park and started selling lots. The future seemed bright
for Wilcoe since a railroad (the Enid, Ochiltree, and Western) was
headed their way. Tracks were completed from Dalhart
to Wilcoe before the idea was abandoned. The curtailed line did make
connections to other lines and was in operation until 1911.
The 1940 census could count no residents other than a few remaining
members of the Wilson family and only the public building standing
that year was the school. After WWII
the Wilsons moved to Dalhart. The
Wilson ranchhouse is said to have been occupied by descendants of
the founders. A grain elevator serves as a landmark to the town that
might have been. |
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Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
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