History in
a Pecan Shell
The town, formerlly
known as Jordan changed its name in 1902 when the first store
was built and the town only had four families. Eola was created during
a land boom when county school lands were put up for sale at fifty
cents an acre in the 1890s. The sale attracted many Europeans – primarily
A two-story schoolhouse was built in 1906. By 1914 Eola had a population
of twenty-five which grew to 240 by 1931. In 1940 Eola had a population
of 250 and was thriving. It reached its zenith in ’47 when 350 Eolans
called the town home. Nine teachers taught elementary and high school
The Old Eola School
Eola Texas Forum |
This is the
former school at Eola. Of course, we have the WPA gym, which actually
has a new roof. The white building is the oldest, with the brick
building being added in the 30's with the gym.
It is sometimes hard for me to imagine just how many people lived
in the county before WW
2. It seems as though every hamlet had a brick school and every
crossroads had a smaller one or two room school.
Eola today is almost dead; the only remaining business being the
cotton gin and the Post Office. Eola is in northeastern Concho County.
Anyhow, there is good news going on at Eola. This fellow from Washington
bought the school and is restoring bit by bit. He is running a restaurant
in the white building (examine the door closely; at night a neon
sign above the door advertise "steak".) Apparently, he is using
the proceeds from the restaurant to work on the school. I would
guess that the new roof in the gym is courtesy of his work; he gave
us a tour and showed us how he is restoring the hardwood floor in
the gym.
Apparently, it is extremely tedious work and goes slowly. He is
a gifted carpenter, however; and seems to be making progress. He
has put cots in one of the classrooms and is using it for bunks
for hunters. I don't know how that is working out for him. His restaurant
is the finest in all Eola. His restaurant is the only restaurant
in all Eola.
All pictures were taken Christmas Day 2005 - Stephen
Eola, Texas
Eola, Texas
You mention that Eola today is almost dead. I ride my bicycle thru
there all the time and there is a gas station and convenience store:
Pa pa Patch Inc in Eola, TX. Our records show it was established
in 1998 and incorporated in Texas. The locals call the Pa pa Patch
Bennie's Place, cause that is the guy’s name that owns it. - Chad
W Freeze, January 13, 2012
Eola Class Ring
I recently came across your website and was [surprised] to find
any information about Eola High School. A few year ago I went metal
detecting in the area and found a class ring from 1975. I have been
trying to find the person without any luck. Her initials are B_
_. I was wondering if you could please post this email in the hopes
of finding out who this person might be. I would love to return
the ring to it's owner. Thanks. - Shelley Gayler, Huntington, Indiana,
June 12, 2006 lennon1124@hotmail.com.
Old Eola School
The old Eola school house is also currently being used as a haunted
house to benefit neighboring Angelo State University groups.
This past October, a small fee was charged, and throngs of people
from all around came to see the "haunted Eola school." Haunted or
not, it was quite a burst of life for the quiet community! - Whitney
Straw (avid Texas Escapes reader/visitor) Angelo State University
Elementary Education Major Senior, May 21, 2006
I visit your website frequently and when I saw the link to Eola,
I actually shouted out, "Wow, Eola!" About twenty years ago I went
on a weekend drive pulling over to peek at what people forgot and
time took over... one of those was the town of Eola. The doors to
the school were unlocked and I couldn't resist. Part of me thought
it was still used as desks were still in classrooms; but the leaves
and birds throughout the halls told me otherwise. The auditorium
seemed filled with the souls of talent shows and graduation ceremonies
gone by as sunshine from the punctured roof shined on the stage.
The gentleman has taken on quite a task; I envy him and will be
more than happy to buy the biggest steak he has and throw in the
heftiest tip I have on me for the effort! - Darcy Clarke, February
18, 2006
County 1940s map showing Eola
From Texas state map #4335
Texas General Land Office |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
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