History in
a Pecan Shell
Nolan, was formed
in 1928 when two previously formed communities (Old Nolan and Dora)
moved five miles (West and East, respectively) to form the new town.
Dora and Old Nolan had each had their
own functioning post office. Dora closed its post office in 1938 when
its population fell to 25. The schools of the two towns were merged.
After WWII Dora
became a ghost town, while Nolan held on. The Nolan post office continues
to function. Population was estimated at 131 in 1990.
Old Nolan and Dora each have a cemetery under their respective names.
The current town of Nolan has a cemetery shown on TxDoT maps as Slater's
Chapel. |
Nolan, Texas
Historical information on Nolan Tx
I was looking for historical information on Nolan Tx when I happened
on one of your pictures. Thought you might like a little history.
There is a picture of an old run down barn with a tin roof. It sits
about 150 yards from my Uncle's house which had been the house of
my great grandparents. The barn was an old one room school that was
moved to Nolan from Shep. It was never
a school in Nolan, but had been in Shep.
I believe there was an extension wing placed on each side of barn
that was not part of the school building. - R. Brett Rowlett, LPC,
Sweetwater, TX
1907 Nolan
County postal Map showing Old Nolan & Dora
that formed Nolan in 1928
Courtesy Texas General Land Office |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |