Love, Marriage,
& Weddings
Love Stories

& Elopements
have changed, but this wedding was old-timey by Delbert Trew
In the early days of my youth all my country neighbors and friends
had a "funeral suit" or dress hanging in the closet. Bought and
kept for that purpose, it showed utmost respect for the deceased
when worn at a funeral...
Scents: Why Brides Carry Bouquets by Maggie Van Ostrand
Everybody loves a bride. Why, women love to see one almost as much
as we love to be one, especially a June bride...
Stories by Mike Cox
Shortly before the Civil War, Indians nearly spoiled a wedding...
settlers threw mega-wedding by Delbert Trew
Strict, religious Mexican laws allowed for unusual ceremony
There was a time in Texas history when our grand state still belonged
to Mexico, where the law required all Colonists to adopt the Catholic
faith to become Mexican citizens... Complicating the problem, only
marriages performed by a Catholic priest were recognized...
Tailor and the Hideaway Bride: The man who kept his wife in
Bride, He Wore White by John Troesser
Or How Men Wed in 1953 Waco
lubrication greases squeakiest of wheels by Delbert Trew
Many classic Old West tales are similar in plot but different in
location. The following tale has been told many times with the same
plot but featuring different ranches, different characters and different
tunes. The original story is probably true, but where it happened
is anybody's guess. Our version here supposedly happened on the
famed XIT Ranch...
Better or Worse by Louise George
In their own words some of yesterday’s brides tell about their weddings
and the early days of their marriages. Texas Panhandle in the early
Wedding 1906
31, 1919: Bomber Wedding Cartoon by Roger T. Moore
Humor / Contemporary
by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
vs. MOG by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
Nightmare by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
Belles by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
and Harriet Potter by Archie P. McDonald
German Love Story by Michael Barr
Friedrich and Emma Schnerr of Fredericksburg, and a tombstone by
Elisabet Ney
in the Time of Diphtheria by Luke Warm
The Haunting of Liendo Plantation, “Miss” Elisabet Ney and Dr. Edmund
Status: It's Complicated or Killer Soup by Mike Cox
Ranch Cartoon by Roger T. Moore
three-hour Texas Ranger by Mike Cox
Barnett Pioneer Woman by Mike Cox
19th century Texas - A short courtship, a long marriage and 11 children
on the Frontier by Mike Cox
The lanky young ranger faced a tough choice, worse than life or
death: Turn in his badge or lose the woman he loved.
by Death by Mike Cox
In the summer of 1915, when it cost just two cents to send a letter
anywhere in the United States or its territorities, the following
piece of mail arrived at the offices of the Cattleman Magazine in
Fort Worth...
stitch in time saved 9 in a girl's hope chest by Delbert Trew
In the American early South, young maidens were expected to know
how to sew and do embroidery in order to be classed as ladies or
experienced homemakers. Decorating with embroidery added class.
Suitors were often shown the results of efforts made by maidens
enhancing their values as prospective wives...
Lee by C. F. Eckhardt
On March 21, 1924, Mrs. Ida Lee Daughtery of Hall, Texas, died.
She was a woman of some reputation—not as a ‘soiled dove,’ but as
a devoted wife.
Jacinto Marriage Traditions in Texas by C. F. Eckhardt
In 1837, but just for a short time, any man who had served honorably
in the Texian army in 1836 was entitled to a full league of land—over
4000 acres—but only if he was married...
Introduction of Two Persons
From "The Americanization of Edward Bok: The Autobiography
of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After"
“Make the world a bit more beautiful and better because you have
been in it.”
Christmas by Mike Cox
No matter how she came to be called Belle Christmas, she had a reputation
as a local character long before someone dreamed up the “Keep Austin
Weird” bumper sticker...
and a Bride by Mike Cox
Anyone accidentally walking up on the young couple sitting on a
wagon tongue near Brushy Creek outside Round Rock that day would
have realized they discussed something very important. Indeed, their
topic had to do with the rest of their lives.
by Mike Cox
When you take time to think about it, everything in life is in a
state of transition. Back in 1921, a young Methodist preacher assigned
to the vastness of the South Plains approached a major transition
– the adjustment from single life to being married...
Valentine by Mike Cox
In modern chick-flick speak, Ansel "Hance" McKinney must have had
a "fear of commitment." Before marching off to fight for the South
at the beginning of the Civil War, the 23-year-old Goliad County
cattleman gave a ring to his younger sweetheart, 15-year-old Martha
Pila Blanca - Cowboy & the rancher's daughter
Brides Wore Black by Raoul Hashimoto
The Wends in Texas
In The Age Of Social Media by Taylor Kovar 3-27-23
Divorce and Dollars by Taylor Kovar 3-21-23
for Holiday Spending by Taylor Kovar 11-8-22
We Merge Bank Accounts? by Taylor Kovar 11-1-22
expenses should I cut to save for overdue honeymoon by Taylor
Kovar 5-11-22
to Navigate Money with Your In-Laws by Taylor Kovar 5-4-22
for the costs of having a baby by Taylor Kovar 11-1-21
/ Opinion
lifetime case of the girl crazies by Jase Graves 1-10-22
and How To Say It by Maggie Van Ostrand
Hate Valentine's Day by Maggie Van Ostrand
to Deal With a Contractor If You're a Single Woman by Maggie
Van Ostrand
help me if I’ve ever got to live by myself by Peary Perry
Having spent a few days these past weeks with some of my bachelor
friends I can safely say that this type of life is not good for
them and I’m certain for me. I don’t think I would survive for very
long in that kind of an environment. I need help. I need help all
of the time...
by Peary Perry
I’d like to discuss another subject which I believe proves up one
of the fundamental differences between men and women. Shoes...
Fear That My Wife Is Insane by Byron Browne
I fear that my wife is insane. There can be no other reason for
her continued presence here in our home. Any rational, right-thinking
person would have been packed and gone months ago. Yet, she stays
and even finds a way to maintain a smile on that marvelous, olive-skinned
countenance of hers...
Season by Peary Perry
Anyone who has had married children or in laws of their own should
be able to identify with what I’m about to say. This time of the
year (the holiday season) puts an enormous amount of stress on family
Phrases Women Use by Peary Perry
I promise that this will be the last article I write about my youngest
son getting married...
of the sexes by Peary Perry
Anyone who has been married as long as I have can certainly relate
to what I am about to say. It really makes little difference how
long you have been married, there are always going to be daily challenges
to your relationship...
Talk by Peary Perry
Our youngest son is getting married in a few weeks.
Watch Survivorman, Women Watch Holmes on Homes by Peary Perry
I wonder if anyone has performed an extensive study on how television
has changed marriages over the past fifty years...
Occasion by Peary Perry
by Peary Perry
I’m beginning to think the nomads and the Mongols had the best approach…..throw
everything away….keep nothing but what you need to feed yourself
and your clothes.
happened after the move by Peary Perry
Anyone who has been married for any length of time can identify
with what I am about to say...
Women Think or How They Don’t Think by Peary Perry
Once you’re married, she’ll begin to collect and save things you
cannot begin to imagine. You give her a Valentines Day card? She’ll
save it. Birthday cards? Never thrown away. Mothers Day cards? She’ll
keep them until she dies and then they’ll pass onto someone else,
God only knows who...
by Peary Perry
After nearly twenty months we have finally sold our home and will
be moving in a week or so. I say a week or so, because it isn’t
me that is in charge of this move. It’s my wife...
Trails by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
By the time you read this I will be a long gone baby! Our vacation,
the first in two years (two really awful years, if you want to know),
will be well underway...
Now Thee Wed”, Half a Century Later…. by N. Ray Maxie
FLASHBACK TO 1957….. We, the 1957 McLeod Longhorn seniors, each
and everyone had our head full of dreams, all twenty-one of us.
Life was new and fresh for this small group of eighteen-year-old
Blessed Event by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
This week Mike and I have had a taste of what it is going to be
like when our empty nest is truly and finally empty...
Crow by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
I flipped out this weekend. I lost my temper and I told my husband
everything - and I mean every single thing - that I was thinking...
by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
We have... evolved a different way of expressing our irritation.
When we are stressed out by circumstances, tired, down-trodden and
cranky we do not throw dishes or scream, "I hate you, ya big poo-
head." ... Instead we have subtexts...
Truth About Love by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
Here it is, the truth about love. Some of you know it already. Some
of you will read it and scoff. "Ha!" you will say, "what does she
know about it? Obviously nothing! She knows nothing about love,
real love, true love." I can hear you saying that now. And I have
to tell you two things...
Should Not Live Alone by Peary Perry
As I recall somewhere it is written, "Man should not live alone."
I don't remember if this is in the bible or some other place, but
as whoever wrote it (God?) was a really smart fellow, or person
(to be gender sensitive)...
I Wanted to Marry by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
Improvement by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
"It is the strong marriage that survives each spring without
a tremor or two."
Manners by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
"The women in our family can be as sweet and mild as milk through
all kinds of adversity. But everyone has their breaking point..."
is in the Hair by Elizabeth Bussey Sowdal
"In the early years of our marriage, romance was a challenge...
addendums to vows help marriage to last by Delbert Trew
"Unlike the Ten Commandments, which were chiseled in stone
to prevent erasure or change, marriage vows are merely spoken. This
allows these sacred promises to be forgotten, ignored, misunderstood,
changed or deleted by the modern-day theory of "doing whatever feels
good at the moment." ...
to Marriage' Questions by Peary Perry
"A question such as this requires extreme diplomacy, tact and
sensitivity training to answer properly. Having said that, let me
add… give it up you and I don’t have the ability to do this. If
you can, run…."
VS 110% by Peary Perry
"Marriage is not all wine and roses, sometimes its vinegar
and weeds."
Photographer William Tauch
"To love and win is the best thing; to love and
lose the next best."
- William Makepeace Thackeray. |
Berg Hermit of the Hills by Michael Barr
The story of Peter Berg and his sweetheart ranks right up there
with Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra and Brad and Jenn on
the list of the most timeless and tragic love stories ever told.
Done Her Wrong: The Sad Case of Mrs. Harriet Moore Page Potter Ames
by Archie McDonald
Lilly and Judge Roy Bean by Mike Cox
Lee" by Mike Cox
of What Might Have Been by Mike Cox
After taking one final look at the still form of his mother, Clifton
Maxey Cobb discretely pulled the old letter from his coat pocket
and placed it inside her casket. Later that December day following
the services, funeral home workers covered her grave, the last chapter
of a love story dating back to Reconstruction.
Degrees of Separation, or, How a Mexican Star Became a Cajun Legend
by Maggie Van Ostrand
Evangeline and Gabriel
by Mike Cox
Though her looks could have given her a shot at Hollywood, Pansy
opted for the circus world. She and her husband had a trapeze act
in a traveling show. They drew big crowds and made good money. All
that changed in a moment. ...
Gruesome Prophecy Tattooed on a Soldier’s Breast
Emily by Mike Cox
One of the most romantic stories in the lore of the Old West originated
at Fort Davis. The tale has been told and retold in all media. It’s
the story of Indian Emily and goes like this: In the late 1860s,
an Apache female fell wounded in a skirmish between cavalry troops
stationed at Fort Davis and her band....
White Lady of Rio Frio by Linda Kirkpatrick
The love triangle of Gregorio, Maria and Anselmo
Heartbreak Hotel
Lovers by Mike Cox
Knowing their love can never be, the young couple stare at the swirling
river far below. One last kiss, and then, holding hands, they leap
off the cliff, united forever in death - and legend.
Texas has at least four landmarks known as Lover's Leaps ...
Creek by Clay Coppedge
How the creek got its name
Buddy George by George Lester
are you Benny Goodenberger? by Perry Peary
In his last letter, he wrote ”Mom, I am worried about this trip…if,
by chance anything should happen to me, there is this girl, Benny
Goodenberger, in …………, and I’d like you to tell her what happened
to me.”
all ghosts are dead by Mike Cox
Crane by Bonnie Wroblewski
Honored as symbols of marital fidelity and conjugal bliss throughout
Southeast Asia, the native cultures of India, and Japan (where it
is customary to adorn wedding gifts with folded origami cranes in
place of ribbons and bows), gruids have a celebrated reputation
for monogamy in folklore as well as in scientific investigations.